• Open 7 Days

  • 24 hour online booking service

  • Complimentary parking at Westfields

  • No weekend or public holiday surcharges

  • All major health funds accepted

  • Instant HICAPS health rebate claiming

  • Highly qualified and friendly team

  • Accredited practice

  • All emergencies given appropriate assessment

  • Pain relief provided


Abc Dental features the capability to deliver same day crowns. However, is subject to specialty clinician’s availability and location

Same day crowns. Simple, Efficient Crowns in Just One Visit

If you need a crown, a certain type of dental experience likely comes to mind: one of gagging impressions, temporary crowns, and countless visits until you reach the final outcome.

But at ABC Dental, we use CEREC Crowns to eliminate these negatives and instead, create a positive, relaxing experience where your entire treatment is completed in one visit.

  • Crowns are made using the latest CEREC technology

  • Crowns made on site by your dentist, from highest quality materials

  • One appointment Crown Procedure.

  • No rough temporaries. Digital impression.

  • Metal free & 100% Biocompatible

Our team of professional dentists can meet your needs for a stress-free experience, providing you with high quality crown treatment using CEREC Technology.

In House Laboratory 

ABC Dental features an in-house dental lab. This is a unique offering not common amongst smaller dental practices. This means we can control quality to the highest standards, whilst meeting your requirement for an efficient completion schedule. ABC Lab also features a wide selection of finest materials such as hybrid ceramic, porcelain, zirconia and many more.

We stock materials only from quality suppliers such as Henry Schein Halas, DentsplySirona.

Located in the heart of Sydney-CBD, ABC Lab supports all ABC Dental practices to produce dental restorations to the highest standards.

You can rest assured, that your dental restoration is completed from start to finish, by the team at ABC Dental.

In addition to CEREC Technology described above. For more challenging / demanding cases, our lab features an advanced 5 axis milling centre (MC X5). ABC Dental would be one of very, very few practices to feature such an advanced, laboratory grade milling centre. This allows ABC Dental to treat more advanced cases, supporting a team of highly trained dental professionals, to produce the highest quality restoration for you.

ABC Dental Lab technology